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Tallaght daytime education


Due to losing our rooms in 2018. We now work out of 3 Centers. Each centre is listed below.

Location 1
St. Maelruain’s Parish hall
24 Main St, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 FY51

Location 2:
Dominic’s community centre
60&60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 KW58

Location 3:
The Glashaus Hotel
Belgard Square West, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24AT84

Please note that our classes have different start dates:
17th Jan: Book Club
20th Jan: Pilates
22nd Jan: Yoga Beginners & Improvers
28th Jan: Art Appreciation, Art Beginnings/Improvers

For further enquiries please ring or email
0872331330 or 0877831650

Course Title Week Time Price Location

Pilates Beginners and improvers

Start date: 20th January 2025. Location: St Muelruains parish hall. Improves flexibility and strengthens the whole body, relieves stress and back pain, suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

10 9.45 - 10.45am €80 Tallaght

Pilates Beginners and improvers

Start date: 20th January 2025. Location: St Muelruains parish hall. Improves flexibility and strengthens the whole body, relieves stress and back pain, suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

10 11:00 - 12 noon €80 Tallaght
Course Title Week Time Price Location

Art Appreciation

Start date: 28th Jan. Location: The Glashaus Hotel. With the National Gallery Outreach Program. Includes visit to the gallery.

10 2pm - 4pm €95 Tallaght
Course Title Week Time Price Location

Art Beginners / Improvers

Start date: 28th Jan. Location: Dominic’s Community Centre. Oil, Acrylic & Water colours

10 10am - 11.00 noon €90 Tallaght

Yoga Beginners & Improvers

Start date: 22nd January. Location: St Maelruains Parish Hall

10 10:00am - 11:00 am €80 Tallaght
Course Title Week Time Price Location
Course Title Week Time Price Location

Book club

Start date: 17th Jan. Location: Dominic’s Community Centre. Relaxed and friendly group people, who enjoy reading and discussing novels, poetry and drama.

12 12:00 - 1:30pm €50 Tallaght

Contact T.A.C.T.

0872331330 or 0877831650
Location No 1:
St Maelruains Parish Hall,
Main St, Tallaght

Location No 2:
Dominic’s Community Centre
60&60A Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 KW58

Location 3:
The Glashaus Hotel
Belgard Square West, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24AT84


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